Take a hike after work

March 11, 2025

tree lined trail along Oaks Creek

Consider an after work or after school hike today. The sun doesn’t set until 7:02 pm on March 11, last light is 7:30 pm, and days will continue to get longer. ☀️
On March 10, Peg took an after work hike at Parslow Road Conservation Area in Fly Creek. This Otsego Land Trust property is open year-round, sunrise to sunset. She saw a rabbit bounding away, heard the call and response of red-winged blackbirds, saw a lot of turkey tracks, and soaked in the golden sunlight. Most of trail, even on the bog bridges, was compacted snow. It was icy on the Orange trail under the hemlocks next to Oaks Creek, a walking stick would be helpful. Combined Blue and Orange trail loops are 1.3 miles. Will get muddy and have standing water in places as snow melts.
This walk took about 45 minutes, and that was with time to take photos and also stand still while the free Merlin Bird ID app identified nearby birds by their songs. Adding a mid-week hike/walk is a great way to unwind and connect with nature, adding some “weekend” into your weekday. Other short hikes featured in the Otsego Outdoors Winter Octet challenge, which runs through March 19, are at Clark Tower, Texas School House State Forest, Fortin Park, Gilbert Lake State Park (Gilbert Lake Trail is a 1.3 mile loop), Glimmerglass State Park (Covered Bridge or Beaver Pond), Robert V. Riddell State Park (Tree Identification trail), Oneonta Susquehanna Greenway (Silas Lane Loop), Wilber Lake Trail (1 mile out and back). And, the Winter Octet Challenge includes a “your choice” activity, so take your after work hike wherever you like! Even if you’re not working on the Octet challenge, an after work hike will get you in the sunshine where you can look for signs of Spring. Let us know your favorite place to walk after work.