I Love My Park Day

Glimmerglass State Park 1527 County Highway 31, Cooperstown, NY, United States

Betty & Wilbur Davis State Park, Glimmerglass State Park and Gilbert Lake State Park are holding events. At Glimmerglass, volunteers are needed to: Clean up and plant flowers around our historic covered bridge. Please bring: Garden Gloves Pick up debris that has been left on our shores and beach after the winter. Clean up debris and…

Race the Lake Marathon & Half-Marathon

The 26.2 race will begin at 8:00am, starting and ending at Glimmerglass State Park. The 13.1 race will begin at 8:00am, starting on State Highway 80, near the Fenimore Art Museum. The 5k race will begin at 9:00am in Glimmerglass State Park. All races finish together in Glimmerglass State Park. The Race will circle clockwise…

Learn to Swim at Glimmerglass

Glimmerglass State Park 1527 County Highway 31, Cooperstown, NY, United States

Glimmerglass State Park will be hosting a week long learn-to-swim program. There will be a morning session from 11:15 am to 12 pm and an evening session from 5:30 pm-6:15 pm. Please call the park office to sign up or for more information at (607)547-8662. The lessons are free and open to all.

Candlelight Hike

Glimmerglass State Park 1527 County Highway 31, Cooperstown, NY, United States

Join us for the first candlelight hike at Glimmerglass State Park. Follow the luminaries and see the forest by candlelight. The trail starts at the Lakeview Room by the beach and makes its way to the accessible Beaver Pond Trail. Approximately 1 mil long along flat even terrain. Admission to the park and the hike…


First Day Hike at Glimmerglass State Park

Celebrate the New Year with an easy 1 - 1.5 mile hike at Glimmerglass State Park. The park will supply warm beverages and snacks following the hike. Registration is not required but preferred. (607) 547-8662 Call ahead if heavy snow fall is forecasted.


Glimmerglass State Park 1527 County Highway 31, Cooperstown, NY, United States

The tubing hill at Glimmerglass State Park will be open weekends from January 4 - February 23. Hours are 11:00am- 4:00pm. Admission is $5 per person. Tubes are provided. The warming hut will be open and hot cocoa and snacks will be available for sale.

First Day Hike: Glimmerglass State Park

Glimmerglass State Park 1527 County Highway 31, Cooperstown, NY, United States

Enjoy a one mile self-guided hike through the woods and along the shoreline of Otsego Lake. The trail is a loop and returns to the parking lot. Hike starts at 10 a.m. and the first 100 people will receive the First Day Hike giveaway! The free hike closes at Dusk. Bathrooms are limited, so please…

Ice Fishing Clinic at Glimmerglass State Park

Glimmerglass State Park 1527 County Highway 31, Cooperstown, NY, United States

Free ice fishing clinic! Instructors from NYS Parks and DEC. Equipment and bait provided. No park entrance fee. Fishing license if not needed. Pre-registration required. Call park office at 607-547-8662 3 time slots available 9:30-11:00 11:30-1:00 1:30-3:00

Ice Fishing Clinic (canceled)

Glimmerglass State Park 1527 County Highway 31, Cooperstown, NY, United States

UPDATE: Due to lack of ice, this clinic has been canceled. They will hold another one the Wednesday after President's Day in 2024. Free ice fishing clinic with instructors from the DEC and NYS Parks! All gear and bait supplied. 3 sessions 9:30-11:00, 11:30-1:00, and 1:30-3:00. Call the park office to register at 607-547-8662. No…