2028 White Hill Road, Oneonta
This trail is often muddy in spots and requires crossing two small streams. Waterproof boots recommended.
The 1.4 mile Orange Trail starts in an open field with a mowed path and then heads into the forest. When the path crosses the creek, look for the waterfall just off the path. Here is a map Please note, the boardwalk mentioned in the map is no longer there.
Emmons Pond Bog is a Nature Conservancy Property located in Delaware County, but just 5 miles from downtown Oneonta. The history of the pond and bog dates back 11,000 years when the retreat of the last glacier left a depression that was soon filled with water.
The SUNY Oneonta Science Discovery Center has created an Emmons Pond Interpretive Trail. Look for the QR code markers along the trail, scan and learn more about this unique protected natural area. It’s a window into the deep past, but also a living example of an always-changing ecosystem. The Emmons Pond Interpretive Trail is a project of the A.J. Read Science Discovery Center, created in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy. Trail content was written and edited by Johanna Mollitor, Emma Sarnacki, and Doug Reilly. With expert guidance from Donna Vogler, Ph.D.
The Nature Conservancy maintains this property.
You may want to combine with a visit to the nearby Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society Sanctuary.
What Octet-ers are saying:
6/30/22 “First time here. Absolutely loved this bog!”