Looking to ice skate or play some ice hockey?
Here are some rinks in Otsego County. As of December 19, 2023, the weather has not been cold enough for the ice to freeze solid enough for skating. We’ll provide updates as the weather gets colder.
Keeping ice smooth and skate-able is a big job. Many of these rinks are possible because of work of volunteers. If you like skating, consider asking how you can help out.
- Glimmerglass State Park offers skating under the under the West Picnic Shelter. Bring your own skates. Open dawn to dusk, the park is located on the north end of Otsego Lake at 1527 County Highway 31, Cooperstown, NY. For updates, call the Park office at 607/547-8662 or check the Park’s Facebook page.
- Fortin Park offers skating and ice hockey underneath a pavilion. Bring your own skates. The park is located near I-88 exit 16 at 101 Youngs Road in Oneonta. A Facebook page posts updates.
- Badger Park in Cooperstown has a community rink with skates and equipment available to borrow at no cost, thanks to the Cooperstown Friends of the Parks. Hockey hours are 7 pm to 9 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Badger Park is located on Beaver Street in Cooperstown, right behind the CVS and Price Chopper on Chestnut Street. Check the Facebook page for Cooperstown Friends of the Parks for updates.
- Springfield Community Center Skating Rink Located by the Springfield Center Library, at 129 County Route 29A, Springfield Center. They plan to open the rink this winter, but the rink requires sustained temperatures in the 20’s or below for a few days to freeze. As soon as they see a promising forecast, we will put out a call for volunteers to help set it up. (Otsego Outdoors will pass on the call for volunteers as needed.) Once open, the rink will be open to the public daily, weather conditions permitting, and skates to borrow will be available in the shed.
Follow Friends of Springfield on Facebook for updates. Here’s a great article on how the community came together to build the rink in 2021.
Enjoy the ice! Have another favorite place to skate in Otsego County? Please let us know.