Enjoy a Fall paddle from Lake Front Park* in Cooperstown, from the Fish Road Boat Launch. Lake Front Park is located on the shore of Otsego Lake, between Pioneer Street and Fish Road in the Village of Cooperstown.
Start on Otsego Lake, then paddle a short way east along the shore to the mouth of the Susquehanna River. Travel down the Susquehanna where you will travel under a beautiful stone bridge. Turn around in front of the Mill Street dam by the Bassett Healthcare Clinic, and travel back to Fish Road Boat Launch at Lake Front Park.
*Be sure to wash your boat at the boat washing station on Fish Road, located behind the restrooms, before beginning your paddle.
If you would like a longer paddle, start at Brookwood Point and then paddle south toward Cooperstown to the mouth of the Susquehanna River, which begins on the southeastern edge of Otsego Lake.