Experience the Oneonta Susquehanna Greenway
Posted: March 18, 2024

Since then, two more sections have opened: the Mill Race trail, running along the south side of Neahwa and into Catella Park, and the New Island trail, a hidden gem accessed by foot or off-road bicycle from Lettis Highway (parking available in Catella Park).
The Greenway committee has continued maintaining and improving those three trails, with help and support from the city of Oneonta and labor supplied by volunteers. Hartwick and SUNY Oneonta sports teams have pitched in each year to build and maintain trails during the Into the Streets volunteer effort. Thanks to some generous donations seven interpretive signs have been installed, with more in the works. Substantial support from the Future for Oneonta Foundation and funds from a grant enabled the paving of the Mill Race trail to make it accessible to all.
On New Island, a beautiful old trestle bridge provided an easy and attractive route over a wetland. When the bridge was condemned by the state, a trail was built to circumvent the wetland, and plans have begun for a replacement.
Due to seemingly insurmountable obstacles preventing progress on the plan to connect Neahwa and Silas Lane, the Greenway committee turned to creating trails in the surrounding area. Working with the county forester and student labor, the Van Cleft trail in Wilber Park was constructed. Plans began to put unused land around the railyard to use. A permit has been obtained to build a short section on city-owned property there, the beginnings of a new venture.
The vision of a single trail connecting all three areas will soon be closer to being realized. A route combining some quiet city streets with a city easement that runs along the fence on the River Street side of I-88 will enable people to walk, jog, or bike from the West End to center city and beyond to New Island.
Whether you like to work with your hands or your mind, volunteers are always welcome. For more information, go to oneontagreenway.org or email oneonta.greenway @gmail.com.

by Sandra Bright, Oneonta Susquehanna Greenway Committee Member